ground water značenje | engleski leksikon

ground water značenje | engleski leksikon

ground water

IPA: / ˈɡraʊnd ˈwɒtər /

Množina: ground waters


Underground water that is held in the soil and in pervious rocks; SYN. spring water, well water.
Water collected underground in porous rock strata and soils; it emerges at the surface as springs and streams. The groundwater’s upper level is called the water table. Sandy or other kinds of beds that are filled with groundwater are called aquifers. Recent estimates are that usable ground water amounts to more than 90% of all the fresh water on Earth; however, keeping such supplies free of po
llutants entering the recharge areas is a critical environmental concern.
Most groundwater near the surface moves slowly through the ground while the water table stays in the same place. The depth of the water table reflects the balance between the rate of infiltration, called recharge, and the rate of discharge at springs or rivers or pumped water wells. The force of gravity makes underground water run “downhill” underground just as it does above the surface. The greater the slope and the permeability, the greater the speed. Velocities vary from 40 in/100 cm per day to 0.2 in/0.5 cm.
Ground-water supplies vary from region to region depending on recharge rates and well use. Some areas such as W Texas and Oklahoma are in danger of depleting their groundwater supplies. In other areas, such as Long Island and New Jersey, overpumping has led to the encroachment of sea water into continental aquifers. Overall, however, the amount of usable fresh water in the ground is enormous.

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